Art Direction + Photography + Brand Refresh + Business Development
I was hired to help give the boutique firm interiorstyle a brand refresh. The founder wanted to make the brand feel more chic with beach lifestyle vibes. An aesthetic that she has come to be known for. I redesigned the site to showcase her up to date projects with easy image gallery viewing to convert window-shoppers to interior design clients. After researching the business’ images online, we found that many past projects were tagged, shared, and used as inspiration elsewhere and not credited properly. We needed to redirect the traffic and place proper attribution to the brand and new site. I used elegant, simple, clean layouts, a playful addition of colors to the fun logo, and created surfer-chic lifestyle imagery to capture the mood of the brand. The overall look and feel was intentionally dreamy, and casual to hit on the higher-end but chill vibe. Their site performance saw a lift and the brand refresh has served as a nice stepping stone to help the interiorstyle brand get the recognition it deserves.
Part of the brand refresh was shooting and producing a lifestyle zine highlighting a winning project that clients always seek for reference and inspiration.
“Dear Ocean, Thank you for making us feel tiny, humbled, inspired, and salty all at once.”